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Sing Me High Coffeehouse - Annie Patterson - "Songs of Hope and Courage"

6:30 PM
Brethren & Mennonite Heritage Center
1921 Heritage Center Way, Harrisonburg, VA
doors open at 6:00 PM


Celebrating Pete Seeger's Centennial, this singalong concert features Annie Patterson, a co-creator of the songbook "Rise Up Singing."


Pete Seeger was born on May 3rd, 1919. He spent his life working for a better world through song. Join us for an evening that honors his work and carries on the tradition of singing for justice and resilience.

Songleader/performer. This concert features Annie Patterson, song leader extraordinaire, folk performer, and jazz vocalist. Annie has been performing and leading singing for hope and change around the globe for over 30 years with "Rise Up Singing" and "Rise Again," the popular group singing songbooks she created with her husband, Peter Blood.

Singalong concert. The evening will feature performances from Annie, but the audience will also be encouraged to join in singing together out of "If I Had a Hammer," a new collection of songs that Pete Seeger wrote or was great at performing and leading. Annie created this songbook especially to honor the 100th anniversary of Pete Seeger's birth. Copies will be available to borrow or buy at the concert.

Admission. This concert will be for a "pay as led" donation to the artists, with a portion of proceeds benefiting the Brethren & Mennonite Heritage Center. At the door the suggested donation will be $15-20, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds. (Be generous! Be affordable!) Under 18 admitted free.

Venue. Join us for an incredible, intimate evening in a log house built in the 1820s. This house is perfect for joining voices together in song. Parking in the lot down the hill or in the grass along the gravel lane.

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